
Hall of Fame

Guess n Draw - Spain

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# Nickname Games
1. Javier Palomo Barba 39 844
2. Oriol Farre 12 239
3. Pablo Martín González 20 202
4. Laura Ambel 30 90
5. Aitor Arjona 13 26
6. jufla 9 20
7. Climent Cornellà Carreras 1 10
7. Pau_⁷⁵ 4 10
7. Arantxa Quilcat 3 10
10. Aroa 11 5 1
11. Jj Jj 5146 1 0
11. redkat 2 0
11. Juan Antonio Fernández 1 0
11. Fran Mor 2 0
Data are updated every ~hour
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